活动时间 2013年3月16日 , 14:45
活动地点 Hills Road Sports and Tennis Centre, CB2 8PF.
报名截止 2013年3月14日晚
报名方法 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1uRX15aJ_sfer4Bl5HRjY1gCk4PYe40i201vnI8nWEW0/viewform
费用 6磅 每一场地 每一小时 (平摊)
活动内容 网球是一项隔着球网、用球拍击打橡胶制空心球的运动。现代网球起源于英国。网球又分为单打和双打,适合社会各阶层与年龄段人群。网球的比赛规则自1920年代起就几乎没有更改。网球比赛的观众数目也十分多,网球四大满贯赛事特别受到关注,尤其是英国的温布尔登网球公开赛。
3月16日,学联邀请您到剑桥的Hills Road Sports and Tennis Centre ,这一非常棒的场地打网球,希望通过这一活动聚集一帮热爱网球的同学,将网球活动长期进行下去,让您总能在剑桥找到一起打网球的“同道中人”。
联系人: 张阳 07831011214 & joeyyang.hku@gmail.com
张君豪 07423838702
Basic Info Title Playing Tennis Together.
Time 16 March. 2013, 14:45
Venue Hills Road Sports and Tennis Centre, CB2 8PF.
Apply Deadline 14 March. 2013
How to apply https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1uRX15aJ_sfer4Bl5HRjY1gCk4PYe40i201vnI8nWEW0/viewform
Fee 6 pound per hour per court
Blurb The modern game of tennis originated in Birmingham, England, in the late 19th century as “lawn tennis”. It had close connections both to various field games such as croquet and bowls as well as to the older racquet sport of real tennis.
Let us play tennins together in Cambridge on Saturday!