活动时间: 2013年5月11日 , 07:00
活动地点: 牛津
报名截止: 2013年5月11日 , 07:00
费用: 往返交通费16磅
报名方法: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1k63k_5yJdqWRu6e967J4acpT83c2sm7lSAtu4W8Ac4I/viewform
这个五月,让我们一起组团,用一天时间,去The other place看一看~~~让我们体会一下Cambridge是如何的在全方面超过他们的~~~有木有.
主要景点:Christ Church, Bodleian Library, Hertford College,Ashmolean Museum等等.
返回:晚上7点40,牛津Gloucester Green
名额有限, 且交通费会随时间的临近而增加,如预参加,请从速!!!
联系人(旅游部):张君豪 jz352; 葛妤 yg287; 凌云 ly272
Events Title: Day tour in Oxford
Time: 11 May 2013, 07:00
Fee: 16 pounds including return transport
The other place is famous worldwide for its University. Its “dreaming spires” dominate the city skyline and the fabulous colleges line most of the city centre streets. Visit the Sheldonian Theatre where graduates receive their degrees, the Radcliffe Camera, a reading room of the Bodleian library, the oldest library in the UK, the Ashmolean Museum, Britain’s oldest public museum, the Bridge of Sighs, and the vibrant city centre with its varied shopping streets.
How to apply: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1k63k_5yJdqWRu6e967J4acpT83c2sm7lSAtu4W8Ac4I/viewform
From Cambridge to Oxford, Departs at 07:00 Cambridge , Parkside
From Oxford to Cambridge, Departs at 19:40 Oxford , Gloucester Green
Contact Number: 07423838702