VIP 票全数售尽,Standard票所剩无几,请速速抢票!
今年的春晚成功邀请到:曾经在央视春晚表演,并获得BBC世界音乐大奖亚太区最佳艺人的著名歌星萨顶顶;世界柔身术吉尼斯纪录保持者Iona Luvsandroj; BBC人气之星Kings College合唱团;中国著名女高音歌唱家卢淼老师;2013年伦敦Kings of Gaana舞蹈总冠军;出过多张唱片和专辑的摇滚乐团Freds’ House;来自king slocombe舞蹈学校的芭蕾舞演员们等。
我们也将当前最火爆的综艺节目《爸爸去哪儿》,2013年最火热的电影《致青春》,2013年最轰动的电视剧《北京青年》,07年央视大戏《行云流水之太极》,现代辣舞,2014 剑桥scintillate总冠军和评委们的全新单曲,笑料十足的传统相声以及小品,剑桥东方舞社的优美舞蹈重新搬回舞台。
• 新春大礼包:中国剪纸,丝绸手帕,各以及六种中国特色小吃。
• 价值350镑的苏格兰双人游旅行券以及多张价值200磅的餐馆、超市代金券等抽奖券。
• 萨顶顶,黄渤,陶喆,李晨,李易峰,谭晶等明星的祝福视频。
• 专程派记者回国采访了各地人民,家属对于剑桥朋友以及亲人的祝福,说不定你的朋友也是其中之一哦。
时间:2014年2月2日 7.30PM (6.45PM 即可入场)
地点:Corn Exchange, Wheeler Street, Cambridge, CB2 3QB
Standard Ticket:6镑
廉舒青 :(+44)7402775377
天天,兰,港式小厨(St Johns对面)以及栈饺均设有售票点
【CSSA-CAM New Years Specials】
Here comes the trailer of CSSA-CAM 2014 Chinese New Year Gala. All VIP tickets are now sold out, please be quick to buy the last few standard tickets!
This year, gala is honored to have invited many big names to join the performances:
• Ms Dingding Sa, one of the most famed Chinese folk singers and songwriters;
• Ms Iona Luvsandroj, the acrobat on Britain’s Got Talent who holds a Guinness World record for contortion;
• the Kings’ Choir, whose show was reported by BBC on live;
• the top Chinese professional soprano, Ms Miao Lu;
• the well-known British indie folk rock band ‘Freds’ House’;
• the dancing winner in London Kings of Gaana 2013;
• the professional ballet dancers from King Slocombe School of Dance;
• Taiji from Cambridge University Oriental Dance Association (CUODA); and many more stunning performers.
This year’s event is hosted at the Corn Exchange: the largest theatre hall in Cambridge, with outstanding sound and lighting effects. All our guests will receive a ‘Gift Bag’: filled with Chinese silk, paper art and 6 kinds of traditional Chinese snacks. Moreover, everyone stands a chance to win our raffle prizes, a pair of travel voucher of £350 and a couple of restaurant voucher of £200 and £100.
Time: 7.30pm, 2nd February 2014. (Doors Open at 6.45pm)
Venue: Cambridge Corn Exchange, Wheeler Street, Cambridge, CB2 3QB
Website: https://cssacam.org/2014-cambridge-chinese-new-year-gala/
Standard Ticket: £6
Miss Shuqing LIAN: (+44) 7402775377
Mr Xizhou Liu: (+44)7787243208
Email: galaticket2014@gmail.com
You can also buy tickets from the following restaurants:
Seven days: 66 Regent St, Cambridge CB2 1DP
Orchid: 70 Newmarket Rd, Cambridge CB5 8DZ
HongKong Fusion: 12 St Johns St, Cambridge CB2 1TW
Café Oriental: 9 Burleigh Street, Cambridge CB1 1JA
All guests will surely enjoy the fabulous festival atmosphere through decorations, delicious snack pack and delicate gifts, along with the magnificent performances!