漂泊一年,探索一年,奋斗一年,牵挂一年,辛苦一年,期待一年,剑桥已渐渐成了我们每个人心目中的‘家’。今年,就让我们聚在一起,度过一个欢欢喜喜的中国年。2月2日(本周日)晚7.30 ,Corn Exchange 学联春晚与您不见不散。
优酷链接: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjY3OTI5MDQw.html
Dear Members,
Happy Chinese New Year! We wish all the good fortune and happiness to be with you through the whole year. At this moment, the whole nation is celebrating this big festival with tumultuous joy in China. In order to deliver the greetings from inner China, the 2014 Cambridge Chinese New Year Gala Committee produced this mini film for all the people who cannot go back at this time. However, we will hold a great gala to celebrate the new year with 1500 audiences. It will be held in Corn Exchange this Sunday evening at 7.30 pm. We do hope to see you there.