原定于2月11日在Judge Business School的李君衡讲座因演讲嘉宾的临时取消而未能及时通知到您此变故,在此向到场的同学们特别道歉。请关注周五的全球化与跨国企业讲座,将会有更权威的嘉宾和更前沿的内容,为大家带来更精彩的活动。感谢大家的理解!
【Notice of Change: Lecture by Junheng Li- Tiger Woman on Wall Street】
The scheduled lecture by Junheng Li on February 11th at Judge Business School was cancelled due to an emergent rearrangement of time by the speaker. We apologise for the late notification about this change, especially for those who has gong to the event today. Please notice that we will have another Globalisation and Multi-National Corporations Forum this Friday, by more authoritative figures, and on more cutting-edge topics. We promise that it will be a better experience to compensate for the loss today. Thank you so much for your understanding!