
因此,为了能够促进CSSA所有成员之间更多的交流,同时也为今年下半年准备入学的新生提供最优质的平台,剑桥学联将正式引进家庭制度,向传承经典迈出最大胆的一步。望所有已在剑桥生活的学长学姐们积极参与,我们将会随机分配建立家庭,并在Fresher’s Week为每个家庭安排新生。
1. 完善健全剑桥学联CSSA的内部体制,使活动拥有更多的展现形式,例如可以家庭为单位参与到学联组织的Family Formal,Family运动会,Family Travel等活动中。
2. 借助家庭体制的平台,家庭成员可以自主举办活动,丰富课余生活。
3. 将这样的家庭制度传承下去,能够使得剑桥学联的资源更丰富,更广泛,为学生举办更多更好的活动。
我们将在6月的学联Garden Party上为大家举办建立家庭仪式,也将在5月底公布家庭分配制度及分配结果。希望大家踊跃参与,多认识朋友,多和本不会认识的朋友进行交流学习,也为了帮助更多刚进校对环境陌生的学弟学妹们。

【CSSA Family System】
Family system in Cambridge has a long-tracked history, where this relationship brings all friends closer to help each other when most needed. All college freshers will be allocated a college family where seniors are the mother and father whilst the fresher will automatically become the kid of the family. Seniors can assist freshers in adapting themselves into the new university environment and also help them as much as possible in both daily life and also in academia. Over years, this family system has been proved to be very useful and effective in building up friendship and also helping juniors.
With the purpose in helping more Chinese students in adapting into the new environment and also strengthen the friendship within Chinese community, All Chinese freshers starting their course in October will be arranged by CSSA-CAM as a child, looked after by a volunteered father and mother. And now we are sincerely to invite all current students to join our family system as “mother” or “father”, so we can form up the family system. This will allow every Cambridge Chinese fresher to ask for help not only in academic area but also in daily life, adapting into Cambridge University more efficiently.
Advantages of family system:
1. Activities could be held in the unit of families, such as family formal, family sports exercises, family travel and etc.
2. All family members can organize more fun activities themselves inside or across families.
3. Inheritance of the system could benefit CSSAwith more events and information-flowing as a society.
Deadline for joining the family system as senior is: 25th May
Please fill in the form below to join the system.
google link:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1uLgqapaHysf_xuZ-qSF79fQv-OOgS044xi8zVhiCPR4/viewform
We will form the family based on random allocation in May and also will organize wedding garden party in June for all these who joined the family system. So please join us now for more fun and also to help more juniors.