为了让更多海外学子可以更近距离接触咏春,了解咏春。CSSA有幸邀请到咏春大师Austin Goh(吴英武) 来到剑桥,为广大剑桥学子提供现场接触咏春的机会。
Austin Goh(吴英武)是咏春拳的先驱者,在全世界旅行并宣传咏春拳。Austin Goh(吴英武)被很多评论家认为是公开在欧洲和香港教授咏春拳第三种套路:镖指的第一人。叶问大师将他的武学真传传授给李盛大师,李盛大师将这些又传授给Austin Goh(吴英武)。经过40年的咏春和气功功夫教学工作,Austin Goh(吴英武)想要将这技巧和智慧教授给你。
嘉宾:Austin Goh (吴英武)
时间:2016年4月3日 14:30-16:30
地点:Studio room, Cambridge University Sport Center(若找不到studioroom,我们会在Sport center 门口集合带领大家进入studio room)
联系人:任晟均 07510559823 sr734@cam.ac.uk
Introduction to Wing Chun Kung Fu (SelfDefence Taster)
In 2015 Alibaba.com has thebiggest IPO in history to date. Their founder, Jack Ma is kung fu master whoapplies martial arts philosophy to business. Years ago, martial artstraining was provided to the wealthy. However,we believe it shouldbe for everyone. The future of Kung Fu training, is applying the Kung Fuphilosophy to your life.
A pioneer of Wing Chun, travelling andpromoting around the world. Austin received a lot of critics for being thefirst man to teach Wing Chun’s third form: Bil Chee, openly in Europe &Hong Kong. As Grandmaster Yip Man, passed on his teachings to Master Lee Shing,and master Lee Shing passed on these teachings to Austin Goh. After 40 years of teaching the art of WingChun and Human Energy, Austin Goh wants to pass on the skill and wisdom to you.
In order to get more close contact with QIGONG and Wing Chun Kung Fu, CSSA has successfully invited Wing Chun MasterAustin Goh to come to Cambridge and provided opportunities to get real contactwith Wing Chun and QI GONG.
Come and join us to discover the beauty ofChinese Kung Fu and improve your confidence and fitness.
Introduction to Wing Chun Kung Fuarrangement
Trainer: Austin Goh
Time: 14:30-16:30 03/04/2016
Venue: studio room, Cambridge Universitysport center
Contact:任晟均 07510559823 sr734@cam.ac.uk