本次高峰论坛将于2016年6月11日上午在剑桥大学嘉治商学院举行,并将就全球及中国宏观经济、中英及国际关系、中国创业创新产业、及中英文化创意产业进行深入讨论。演讲嘉宾,包括英国著名经济学家伊特维尔勋爵、中国驻英大使馆商务参赞金旭先生、易界网创始人兼首席行政官冯林先生、Yu Capital创始人余晚晚女士及剑桥大学知名中国学者及教授等,将综合讨论这些主题如何影响中国的发展及其与世界的关系,以及他们如何促进建立相互信任、尊重和合作的更强大的中英关系。
地点:LT1 & LT3, Judge Business School, Cambridge, UK
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剑桥中国商务协会: info@camcbs.org
Economics and Finance
1. RMB Internationalisation: Lord John Eatwell
2. UK-China Finance: Mr. Simon Taylor
中英金融互动(主讲人:西蒙·泰勒先生 )
3. A Golden Era of UK-China Relations:
Minister Counsellor Jin Xu
4. Panel Discussion
Innovation and the Digital Economy
1. Living the Startup Dream
“Challenges and Opportunities”: Mr. Lin Feng
中英创业的挑战与机遇- Dealglobe创业分享
2. The Spirit of Entrepreneurship Linking the UK and China: Mr. Alan Barrell
3. Succeeding in the Internet Economy:
Ms. WendyYu
中英创意产业- Yu Capital创业分享(主讲人:余晚晚女士)
4. Panel Discussion
伊特维尔勋爵 Lord John Eatwell
Lord Eatwell, is a member of the House of Lords, chief economic adviser to Neil Kinnock, the then-leader of the Labour Party, and the President of Queens’ College, Cambridge. He is an economist by training and a renowned Keynes’s economics scholar. He is one of the few global economists who correctly foresaw the financial crisis of 2007-2008.
西蒙·泰勒先生 Mr. Simon Taylor
Mr. Simon Taylor is the Director of the Master of Finance Programme and Deputy Director of Executive Education at the Cambridge Judge Business School. He is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Cambridge in management implementation. Before a career in academia, Simon worked in BZW(now part of Barclays Global Investors), JPMorgan and Citigroup in equity research.
金旭公参 Minister Counsellor Jin Xu
Mr. Jin Xu is Minister Counsellor of Commerce at the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the United Kingdom. Minister Counsellor Jin’s academic career spans from Beijing to Dublin to Harvard. He is a representative of the Chinese Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) and held high level positions at MOFCOM’s department of European Affairs and American and Oceania Trade Affairs before his post at the Chinese Embassy in the UK. Minister Counsellor Jin brings a wealth of experience in global economic cooperation and is also a strong advocate promoting the development of British and Chinese youth entrepreneurship in the UK.
冯林先生 Mr. Lin Feng
Mr. Lin Feng is the Founder and CEO of DealGlobe, an M&A platform and network serving the cross-border acquisition needs of Chinese firms seeking to expand abroad and boost their competitive positioning. He is the president of the Association of Chinese Financial Professionals in UK (ACfPU) with more than 1,100 members dedicated to promoting business and cultural exchanges between China and Britain.
艾伦·巴罗尔先生 Mr. Alan Barrell
Mr. Alan Barrell is an Entrepreneur in Residence, Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning, at the Cambridge Judge Business School. Alan has spent over three decades in senior executive positions in technology based industries, primarily in the healthcare and medical products industries. As an investor, director and mentor, Alan specializes in high growth technology companies in the life sciences and digital technology. He actively works with Chinese students and entrepreneurs in commercializing research and is a visiting professor at a number of Chinese universities.
余晚晚女士 Ms. Wendy Yu
英国时装委员会暨时装基金会中最年轻的赞助人,也是唯一一位中国籍的赞助人。她作为家族企业唯一继承人,在为家族企业效力的同时,也积极投身于时尚产业,常年作为各大品牌秀场的座上宾参与时尚品牌投资与创立。2015年她建立了Yu Capital投资公司,成功投资了嘀嘀快嘀、网络购物应用ASAP54、和时尚品牌Bottletop。
Ms. Wendy Yu is the youngest patron of the British Fashion Council’s Fashion Trust and the Council’s only Chinese patron. Wendy is also the heiress to a large consumer luxury group in China and strives to take her family business to new heights. She is heavily involved in the fashion and creative scene around the world. In 2015 she founded her own investment company – Yu Capital. Yu Capital has stakes in Chinese taxi hailing app Didi Kuaidi, British fashion startups ASAP54 and Bottletop.
剑桥大学中国商务协会(Cambridge China Business Society,简称CCBS)旨在加强中国企业及企业家和海外的联系和相互了解,是嫁接剑桥大学及嘉治商学院资源,联结中国商界和剑桥及欧洲学生、专业人士及中国观察者的生态系统。
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