【头条】剑桥名家讲坛 —— 走进百度李彦宏

【头条】剑桥名家讲坛 —— 走进百度李彦宏

2016-09-01 肖超伟 CSSA Cambridge

剑桥名家讲坛 —— 走进百度李彦宏
在这个科技高速发展的时代,互联网+,大数据已经成为大家耳熟能详的名词。互联网不仅成就了无数的美国梦,也成就了无数的中国梦。如今中国互联网市场BAT (百度,阿里巴巴,腾讯) 叱咤风云,已成三分天下之势。在这个火热的夏季,我们很荣幸的邀请到百度创始人李彦宏,和我们一同分享,站在未来世界的十字路口,下一幕人工智能和大数据将如何改变中国乃至世界,以及互联网奇才李彦宏的精彩人生。
百度创始人、董事长兼首席执行官李彦宏先生,毕业于北京大学,后进入美国纽约州立大学布法罗分校获得计算机科学硕士。在美国短暂工作几年后于1999年毅然决定回国建立百度公司,经过几年发展于2005年在美国纳斯达克上市,成就从码农到互联先锋的完美转身。 又经过了10年的发展,百度已然成为中国最成功的互联网高科技公司。
讲坛时间: 08-09-2016 14:00-16:00
https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/cambridge-celebrity-forum-robin-li-the-founder-of-baidu-tickets-27397900859  (请点击阅读全文)
13:30-14:00 观众入场(免费入场,前200名到场同学有百度礼品)
14:00-14:10 开场词 (主办方致开场词)
14:10-15:00 剑桥名家讲坛之走进百度李彦宏
15:00-15:20  Q & A
15:20-16:00 百度人才观以及全球人才计划发布 (具体招聘信息见邮件附件)
侯航天  邮箱hh405@cam.ac.uk, 微信 hou9977hou
张岑:  邮箱 cz299@cam.ac.uk  微信  Johncen_Z
常鑫:  邮箱 xc276@cam.ac.uk  微信  xinchanguk
肖超伟:  邮箱 cx223@cam.ac.uk 微信  xcw007609
Cambridge Celebrity Forum —— Robin Li,C0-Founder of Baidu
Artificialintelligence and big data have become one of the most widely discussed – anddebated – topics of our time. In China, the internet industry has becomeincreasingly dominated by the triumvirate of BAT: Baidu, Alibaba, and Tencent,whose broad reach has come to dominate nearly every aspect of the internetecosystem. This summer, Mr. Robin Li, Co-founder, Chairman and CEO of Baidu,China’s leading search company, will share his views on such topics at theCambridge CSSA Celebrity Forum, jointly hosted by Chinese Student & ScholarAssociation and Cambridge Chinese Community Centre.
Mr. Li holdsdegrees in information management and computer science from Peking Universityand the State University of New York at Buffalo, respectively. He co-foundedBaidu in 2000 and has been acting CEO of Baidu since 2004. Baidu has beenlisted on NASDAQ stock exchange since 2005. Over the next decade, Mr. Li hasled Baidu to be one of the largest and most successful internet companies inChina, by extending its technology capabilities derived from an establishedsearch service into the cutting-edge areas including artificial intelligence,autonomous driving, and more.
We warmly welcomeMr. Li to share his story of Baidu’s founding and development at CambridgeUniversity. Furthermore, for those who are interested in career opportunitiesat Baidu, he will also discuss Baidu’s strategy and plans for fostering andnurturing talent.
Time:08-09-2016 14:00-16:00
Location:Willbe informed after register
Register Link:https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/cambridge-celebrity-forum-robin-li-the-founder-of-baidu-tickets-27397900859
13:30-14:00 Seating(free)
14:00-14:10 OpeningSpeech
14:10-15:00  Speech by Robin Li
15:00-15:20  Q & A
15:20 – 16:00 BaiduInternational Trainee Program
Host :CambridgeCSSA ,  CSSA-UK , Cambridge ChineseCommunity Centre
Hangtian Hou  Email: hh405@cam.ac.uk, Wechat: hou9977hou
Cen Zhang:  Email: cz299@cam.ac.uk  Wechat  Johncen_Z
Xin Chang:  Email: xc276@cam.ac.uk  Wechat  xinchanguk
Chaowei Xiao:  Email: cx223@cam.ac.uk  Wechat  xcw007609
Reminder:We suggest that patrons arrive at the Cambridge Union early to ensure seating. Dueto the limitation of available seats,we will ceaseadmission once the limit of patrons has been reached.
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