星期五,圣诞聚会/Xmas Party,Friday

时间:2012年12月21日 (周五)6.30pm
地点:Karaoke Room, Teri Aki  (Bridge Street)
报名截止日期:2012年12月20日 (周四) 5pm
一年一度的圣诞节又默默地临近了。在英国,所有的家人们都会在圣诞节团聚一起庆祝佳节。当然,我们中国留学生也不例外,也应该一起庆祝欢乐美好的圣诞节。学联生活部这周五精心为您在Teri Aki Karaoke Room准备了非常值得期待的圣诞派对,必定让你吃好,喝好,唱好,玩好,High好!您必须参与我们哟!因为:

  1. 您会以最经济实惠的价钱吃到全剑桥最好的泰国菜,机不可失!(请自选菜单,看自选菜单请点击Xmas Party Set Menus
  2. High歌一晚上!
  3. 我们为您设计了秘密圣诞老人交换礼物的游戏(礼物约为5磅),秘密圣诞老人的礼物将让你幸运一整年!
  4. 我们将和您一起装扮圣诞树
  5. 我们还设计了其他作为惊喜的娱乐项目
  6. 和老朋友一起过佳节,同时认识新朋友

今年的Xmas Party将让你深深感受英国人庆祝圣诞节的氛围,并同时让你放开歌喉,享受唱K的乐趣!时不可待,赶快加入我们吧,绝对让你的周五变得Soooo不一样!圣诞快乐!
想提前了解下Teri Aki,请参见学联网站剑桥美食项,或点击这里
任何疑问,请联系 彭阳 cssaents2013@gmail.com
Time: 21.12.2012 (Fri) 6.30pm
Venue: Karaoke Room in Teri Aki  (Bridge Street)
Deadline for registration: 20.12.2012 (Thur) 5pm
Christmas is the major festival in England where families would all get together for celebration. So should we CSSA members. CSSA Ents division has happily prepared you a joyful and warm XMAS PARTY in Aki Teri function room. Why should you come?

  1. You will be served with the best Thai cuisine in Cambridge with discounted price (See your choices in attachment, please click Xmas Party Set Menus)
  2. Chinese Karaoke night as well
  3. We will carry out Secret Santa game of 5-pounds presents (Explanation is in the link)
  4. We will decorate Xmas tree together
  5. Other entertainments prepared as surprises as well
  6. Time to celebrate the festival with old friends and also time to meet new friends

Please fill in the form following the link below if you are interested. We follows first come first serve basis. Capacity limit is 20. Grab your opportunity NOW! click Here to join.
It will be a fabulous and unforgettable party where you will experience the Western culture fully together with the Chinese karaoke! Merry Christmas!!!!!
More detail on Teri Aki can be found on CSSA website or click here.
If any, pls contact Yang Peng cssaents2013@gmail.com