2015年羊年的脚步越来越近了,一年一度的剑桥春 节联 欢晚会也进入 了紧 张的筹备阶段。本 年度的春晚仍将在剑桥最大的表演厅,Corn Exchange(Wheeler Street, Cambridge CB2 3QB)隆重举行。届时我们将邀请到大使馆领导、 剑桥市领导、剑桥大 学官 方代表、著名学者 以及其他政府重要的官员出席。
一年一度的学联春晚已经成为了剑桥学联乃至 全英华人最重要的品 牌活 动之一。每 年都热闹非凡,红火喜庆的装饰,精彩绝伦的演出,美轮美奂的舞台效果,政界商界的名人嘉宾,都为大家传递着 节日的温馨与最美好 的新春祝福。2014年的春晚更是吸引到1500人参加,请到许多名人参加,为观众带来了非 常震撼的演出。
为了让本次盛会更加精彩,我们诚招有热情、 有才能、有想法的人 士加 入春晚执委 会,所有的职位及其详细解释均已包含在附件”春 晚执委职位介绍”。让我们一起办一场别出心裁等精彩gala。
注:此项申请与学联执委申请完全是分开的, 互不冲突,我们鼓励 有意 者同时申请 加入学联和春晚执委会。
[gview file=”https://cssacam.org/wp-content/uploads/春晚执委申请表-CNY-Gala-committee-application.docx”]
[gview file=”https://cssacam.org/wp-content/uploads/剑桥春晚执委会介绍.pdf”]
【CSSA 2015 Chinese New Year Gala Committee Recruitment】
Deadline: November 5th(Wednesday), 23.59 pm
Application method: Please fill in the application form with the name of ‘CNY Gala Committee Application’ in the attachment and send it to cssacnygala@gmail.com
The annual Cambridge Chinese New Year Gala is the most important annual event on CSSA-CAM’s calendar. Every year, the Chinese New Year Gala brings laughter, warmth, spectacular performing art and fantastic festival atmosphere to Cambridge. It has become an unmissable cultural event of the year for Cambridge. In 2014, around 1500 guests from all backgrounds and ethnicities packed the Corn Exchange and thoroughly enjoyed our Chinese New Year Gala. Many mainstream media covered our Gala last year including the BBC.
We are now starting to recruitment the CNY Gala committee team to make the big event happen. To ensure the success of the gala, all the positions required are included in the attachment with detailed explanation. Everyone who holds the passion for CNY Gala is eligible to apply. This application is not in conflict with your CSSA-CAM application and we encourage you to apply to both.
Please click this link for application form:
[gview file=”https://cssacam.org/wp-content/uploads/春晚执委申请表-CNY-Gala-committee-application.docx”]