剑桥学联就业部一直致力于为剑桥的中国学生提供最新最全的就业讯息和资源。至今,就业部已成功举办了多场国际知名企业和高校在剑桥的宣讲会和招聘活动——华为研发中心,华为财经,华大基因,复旦大学智能类脑研究院以及各类高校青年千人,青年学者招聘招募活动。就业部品牌活动“职场论剑”邀请剑桥优秀毕业生分享就业经验,解答同学们的求职困惑,增强就业规划能力。品牌活动“走进名企” 建设企业和剑桥学子之间桥梁,搭建交流沟通平台,了解就业相关形势和用人单位需求。
The Cambridge CSSA Career Service Division has been committing to provide Cambridge Chinese students with the latest employment information and resources. So far, the Career Service group has held a number of presentations and recruitments at Cambridge for internationally well-known enterprises such as Huawei, Tencent, BGI, and has served the recruitment of the Young Thousand Talents Plan at Cambridge for Chinese 211/985 universities.
Each year, the Cambridge CSSA Career Service Division invites outstanding Alumnus back to Cambridge sharing their employment experience and chatting with students to give their suggestions. Meanwhile, the “tours to companies” activity will organise tours to famous enterprises in the UK, which provides opportunities for students to know the enterprises’ culture and chances to socialize themselves with employers.