生活服务部主要负责丰富剑桥学生学者的课余生活,秉承着Work Hard Play Hard的原则,帮助莘莘学子从繁重的课业压力中解脱出来,组织并带领大家吃喝玩乐,助力同学们做到Work-Life Balance。
我们的活动精彩纷呈并充满了人文关怀,从心系大家情感生活的单身之夜和信号小屋,到万圣节、圣诞节、牛剑船趴、Garden Party等各种主题派对,再到追逐诗和远方的跨年之旅、比斯特和温莎城堡一日游,生活服务部将从衣食住行各个角度为同学们带去全方位的温暖。另外,我们更有帮助大家德智体美劳全面发展的狼人杀和Running Man比赛,以及不定期弹出活动的品酒群,桌游群,学习群和Formal打卡,希望能在剑桥寒冷又漫长的冬天里给大家充满电,让大家更好地迎接未来的挑战!
Life and Entertain Division is primarily responsible for enriching the extra curriculum activities of Cambridge students and scholars. Based on the idea of “Work Hard, Play Hard”, we relieve students from their heavy pressures of study and research. By organizing entertainment activities, we aim to help them achieve Work-Life balance.
We have a variety of activities, ranging from Single Night and Signal House to themed parties including Halloween Party, Christmas Party, Oxbridge Cruise Party and CSSA Garden Party. To chase poetry and a distant, we also have the New Year’s tour, a day trip to Bister and Windsor Castle. Life and Entertain Division warms students at all aspects of life. Moreover, we also organized the Werewolf Competition and Running Man to help students with all-round development, as well as occasional activities of wine tasting, table games, study and formals. We hope to help everyone get more energetic in the cold and long winter in Cambridge and get more prepared for the challenges in the future!