
Chinese New Year is slowly approaching! On the most special occasion of the year, CSSA-CAM sincerely invites you to join our Chinese New Year Gala 2013. This year, with the theme “China Image”, we are hoping to bring the warmth and joy of Chinese style New Year celebrations to Cambridge. 18 performances of the CNY Gala will deliver different aspects of life and culture in China, by covering traditional and also modern acts.
Time: 7.30pm, 10thFebruary 2013. (Door Opens at 6.45pm)
Venue: Corn Exchange, Cambridge
Divided into four parts, Entertainment, Culture, Tradition and Nightlife, CNY gala will never be purely performances, but a three-hour real experience of Chinese art. In Entertainment part, you will be amazed by the finest “Voice of Cambridge” and the hilarious “Taken Out” play, both of which are derived from the most popular reality shows in China. The Cambridge Lion Dance troupe, together with different traditional Chinese dances from various ethnic groups will also provide you with a feast of exotic Chinese culture.
CNY Gala is also much honored to have attracted many big names to join the performances. We’ve invited Miao Lu, one of the top Chinese professional soprano, and Lexuan Chen, a celebrity-level pop singer who was made famous by the well-known Taiwanese singing competition “One Million Star”. If you are a Michael Jackson lover, dances by the Mirror Dance Group are the one to look forward to. Chris McGeever who has dashed so many people with his mysterious magic in so many Mayballs is bound to blow your mind. Of course we will not forget about the most popular rock band that has almost become the symbol for rock spirits in Cambridge— CB3.
Gifts and Raffle prizes:
Except converting Corn Exchange to a mini China through decorations, all our guests will receive a ‘Gift Bag’: filled with traditional Chinese candies.
Moreover, we proudly present our top raffle prize: travel voucher to Scotland worthy £350. You will also have the opportunities to win other cash vouchers from Chinese supermarkets and restaurants in Cambridge, with value of more than £100(e.g. Seven Days).
VIP & Standard
VIP guests will enjoy:
–          The exclusive entry
–          Best seats possible reserved in advance
–          On top of the snack box, paper art, lucky poster and other secret presents will be added to the gift bag

Tickets are sold by the following two channels:
1.Through Paypal to purchase standard tickets from CSSA-CAM directly (no handling fees)
Ticket collect and delivery:
Please print your ticket receipt and collect your ticket on Gala reception right before the event.

2. Ticketing Officer:
Miss Chen LIU:
Tel.: (+44)7531941905
Email: galaticket2013@gmail.com
Prices: VIP – £10, Standard – £6
Cash and Check are acceptable. Please send email for more details.

3. Through Corn Exchange box office (no handling fees) or the website (handling fees charged by Corn Exchange):
Cambridge Corn Exchange Box office
Wheeler Street, Cambridge, CB2 3QB
Being hosted at Corn Exchange, the largest theatre hall in Cambridge with leading sound and lighting effects, we hope all the guests shall experience Corn Exchange ornamented as a mini China, enjoy the fabulous festival atmosphere through decorations, delicious snack pack and delicate gifts, along with the magnificent performances!
Tickets are now on sale! Please come and join us!

一年一度的春节悄然而至,在这个对所有华人无比重要的节日里,剑桥中国学联诚挚地邀请您欣赏我们精心筹备的2013年剑桥春节晚会:印象中国。本次蛇年春晚将于2月10号(大年初一)在剑桥最大的音乐厅Corn Exchange隆重拉开帷幕。届时将会有千名华人与您共享盛会。
时间:2013年2月10日 7.30PM (6.45PM 即可入场)
地点:Cambridge Corn Exchange
围绕着“印象中国”的主题,我们精心筹划了一台精彩绝伦的春晚盛宴。有响彻天籁的《剑桥好声音》,也有爆笑搞怪的《非诚勿扰》;有传承经典的舞龙舞狮,更有热情洋溢的名族舞和现代舞。当然也少不了充满异国风情的西洋乐曲和激情洋溢的中国经典歌曲。除此之外,我们有幸邀请到中国专业美声歌唱家卢淼老师,重量级嘉宾-台湾超级星光大道前十选手-陈乐轩,还有被誉为迈克杰克逊在世的Mirror Dance Group, 以及在各大May Ball表演魔术的Chris McGeever,和象征着剑桥摇滚精神的CB3乐队。
为了更贴切主题, Corn Exchange当晚会被装饰成一个“小中国”,所有的来宾将收到一份来自祖国的小礼物:装满中国特色小吃的福袋。希望浓浓的节日气氛能让您感受到回家过年的温暖。
VIP & Standard

  • 免去排对入场的困扰
  • 提前为您预留最佳席位
  • 赠送福字,窗花及其他神秘礼物

请凭Paypal收据,春晚当天晚上在corn exchange门口向学联负责人取票

2. 联系本次晚会的售票负责人:刘晨
3. 通过corn exchange的售票处 (不收手续费)或其网站(由Corn Exchange收取部分手续费)订票。
Cambridge Corn Exchange Box office
Wheeler Street, Cambridge, CB2 3QB