活动时间 2013年1月30日 (周三) 下午
活动地点 报名后,见邮件
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报名方法 http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/event/5340650028
“现在的年轻人都不知道我们那一代出国人的事情”,“我从来没有担心过我的校长帽子被摘掉怎么办”,“业务不能冲击政治,但政治可以冲击业务”。他曾语出惊人,抨击了当前国内高考体质的弊端与漏洞;他曾力挽狂澜,于花甲之年带领南科大走上了一条教育改革的新道路。各位亲爱的会员,如今我们十分荣幸地邀请到了中国科学院院士,南方科技大学校长朱清时先生,作客剑桥名家讲坛,为我们讲述他的人生故事,讲述他颇具中国时代特色的学术生涯和办学之路,讲述他如何扛起教育改革先行者的重任,潜心筑梦,踯躅远行。活动详情请关注学联 官网https://cssacam.org/
时间:2013年1月30日 (周三) 下午
Title Cambridge Celebrity Forum—— Building the future of education
Time Wednesday afternoon, 30th January, 2013
Venue We will sent it to you by email after your application
How to apply http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/event/5340650028
Fee Cambridge Celebrity Forum—— Building the future of education
Please note that this is a ticketed event and advance registration is required. To register and receive your ticket please visit our online booking page: http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/event/5340650028
There is no charge to attend. Following the talk there will be a question and answer session.
Zhu Qingshi is a physical chemist, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and member of the Third World Academy of Sciences. He was the President of the University of Science and Technology from 1998 to 2008, and then he became, in September 2009, the Founding President of South University of Science and Technology of China (SUSTC) at Shenzhen. In his career as a renowned higher education leader in China, Zhu has been committed to developing a world-class research university and cultivating innovative talents. After taking the helm of SUSTC, he has advocated enlivening the university ideas of academic excellence, academic freedom and self-regulation of scholars. Under his leadership, the new university upholds the central position of academic work within the university, experiments on mechanisms for innovative interdisciplinary work, and steadily makes progress with law making for the governance of a modern university.
Zhu has been a visiting fellow at several top overseas labs, including at University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, University of California at Santa Barbara, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, National Research Council Canada and Université Paris-Sud 11.