

个人(My Account):用户可以浏览自己参与过的活动记录和购买过的节日晚会门票记录。此外,用户也可以在修改登录密码,或者退出登录。
市场(Market): 这一版块为剑桥学子提供了一个便捷的交易平台,用户能够及时了解房屋出租以及物品出售的信息。
新闻(More News): 此版块涵盖学联最新活动新闻概要。
我们也热烈欢迎剑桥各大餐厅,超市等功能性商店以赞助的形式加入“剑桥学联”应用软件生活板块,详情请咨询 陈谐 xc257@cam.ac.uk或 07543752244
苹果apple store: 请搜索“剑桥学联:
安卓 google play:  请搜索:剑桥学联“

【CSSA-CAM Mobile App】
—-Get in the habit of paying closer attention to CSSA-CAM
To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Students and Scholars Association in Cambridge, CSSA-CAM has published our own Chinese mobile app “剑桥学联”. It aims at sharing useful and updated information with Chinese community in Cambridge, which reflects the fundamental purpose of CSSA-CAM, “taking care of every single person”.
“剑桥学联” can be classified based on its functions into seven modules, including “Registration”, “My Account”, “Events”, “Life”, “Festivals”, “Market” and “More News”.
Registration: If you are not on CSSA-CAM mailing list, you can register as a member here. Then you can sign up for an account of “剑桥学联”.
My Account: Users can browse information about activities they have taken part in and tickets they have bought. In addition, they can change their password or log out in this module.
Events: Information about the latest activities such as employment-related activities, cultural activities, academic activities, trips, parties, and so on, is available here. Moreover, this app supports ticket purchase. Just click “I’d like to join” and you can sign up for all activities.
Life: Dinning & shopping guide is available here. Users can browse the reputable Chinese and western restaurants and supermarkets to enjoy a more convenient life in Cambridge.
Festivals: This module provides information about the large-scale events held by CSSA-CAM. Users can sign up here as well.
Market: We also launched our faster trading platform for Cambridge students. Users can access to information on room renting and items for sale.
More News: It covers the latest news of activities held by CSSA-CAM.
“剑桥学联” is our latest promotion platform released after the only official Sina Weibo, Facebook group and Wechat official account. It will help you stay up-to-date about the latest news about CSSA-CAM.
Special Notification
We warmly welcome all kinds of restaurants and supermarkets to take part in the “Life” module as sponsors. For more information, please contact Xie Chen, email: xc257@cam.ac.uk.
This is our first try of building apps, so there must be some faults or bugs to be fixed. Please feel free to contact with us: publicity@cssacam.org.
Ways to Download for Free
IPhone: Please search “剑桥学联”in apple store
Android: Please search “剑桥学联” in google play
Android: Please search “剑桥学联” in 豌豆荚