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Paykel Lecture

Lecture Title:

Computational Approaches to Mental Health Disorders

Delivered by:

Professor Jianfeng Feng

Winner of the Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award

Chair Professor of Shanghai National Centre for Mathematical Sciences

Dean of Institute of Science and Technology for Brain-Inspired Intelligence, Fudan University

Monday 4th November 2019 5:00-7:00 pm

The Martin Cohen Lecture Theatre 

Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute 

The Li Ka Shing Centre 

Robinson Way 

Cambridge Biomedical Campus 

Cambridge CB2 0RE


On-campus Job Fair

Institute of Science and Technology for Brain-Inspired Intelligence of Fudan University 

Recruiting Chair Professor, Research Professor, Associate Professor, Principle Investigator and Postdocs

Time: Monday 4th November 2019 

3:00-4:30 pm

Venue: Herchel Smith Building

Introduction of ISTBI:

The Institute of Science and Technology for Brain-inspired Intelligence (ISTBI), is an interdisciplinary research institution of Fudan University, one of the leading universities in China. It was launched in March 2015. The predecessor of ISTBI was the Centre for Computational Systems Biology, founded in 2008 and was one of the first international and interdisciplinary research centres in China. ISTBI covers several research fields including applied mathematics, statistics, computer science, informatics and neuroscience. The research carried out in ISTBI is interdisciplinary per se, with computational neuroscience playing a pivotal role. ISTBI aims to make significant contributions in the development of basic theories, core algorithms and key frameworks for artificial intelligence. It also has the aims of developing intelligent diagnosis and treatment systems for brain diseases, and establishing principles of cognitive neuroscience. Ultimately, ISTBI will contribute to the innovation and the development of an intelligence-oriented society.

Our Research Centres

Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience Research

Molecular mechanisms and neural circuits in cognitive functions

Computational modeling for cognitive processing

Cognitive neuroscience in neurological and psychiatric disorders

Centre for Computational Systems Biology

Computational neuroscience and neuromorphology

Nonlinear science and its applications to complex systems

Evolutionary biology and genetical modelling

Centre for Computational Systems Biology

Whole brain pulse network

Random pulse network learning algorithm

Learning algorithms and mathematical theories of artificial neural network

Centre for Computational Systems Biology

Multiscale brain database construction

Computational brain diseases

Brain function analytics

Centre for Computational Systems Biology

Developing unique MRI and MRS methodologies

Exploring normal brain cognitive mechanisms and the etiology of brain disorders

Developing brain-inspired artificial intelligence

Centre for Computational Systems Biology

Neural information decoding

Neuro-modulation and neuro-bionics

Human-machine interface

Neurophysiological mechanism of neurological and psychological diseases


Join us

The Institute is now in the position of recruiting talented people from all over the world, and will provide excellent working conditions and competitive salaries.

Chair Professor (Tenure)

Applicants must be internationally recognized and have outstanding academic achievements in brain-inspired artificial intelligence or related fields.  Applicants must be capable of leading scientists and establishing a world-class research team. The appointed Chair Professors will become leaders or co-leaders of one of the five core research centers and will, with their research teams, carry out work that achieves the mission of their center. The Chair Professors also have the duties of recruiting and managing their teams. 

Research Professor/Senior Research Fellow (Tenured or Tenure-track)

Applicants must have a high-level of academic achievements in the field of brain-inspired artificial intelligence or related fields. Applicants can be scientists or engineers. Applicants should have a wide interdisciplinary vision have the potential to become a Chair Professor. The appointed applicants will carry out work under the direction of a Chair Professor of the ISTBI.

Young Principle Investigator, Associate Professor, Associate Research Fellow (Tenure-track or Tenured)

Applicants have excellent publications in a related area and be under 36 years of age.  Applicants should be well-recognized by the international academic community, and have the potential to apply for a Youth Thousand Talents Program or for an Outstanding Youth Scholar of the NSF of China. The appointed applicants will carry out work either individually or cooperatively in the Chair Professor’s research team. 

Adjunct Professor

Applicants are outstanding scientists from well-known universities, research institutes, and leading companies in related industry.  Applicants should have a broad interdisciplinary vision and international peer recognition, and have the strong potential to collaborate with scientists of the ISTBI in scientific research and postgraduate education.

Postdoctoral Position (Non-tenure track)

Applicants must hold a PhD from a well-known university or research institute with a solid foundation in subjects such as mathematics, statistics, physics, informatics and computer science, neurobiology, materials, biomedical engineering, and robotics. The appointed applicants will work in the area of brain-inspired intelligence and will enter a specific group affiliated to one of the five core research centers, to conduct research work. 


Applications should be submitted via email at the address given below with the subject line containing the position applied for. Paper-based submissions are not initially necessary. 

Cover Letter

A cover letter that describes a brief research plan and describes how suited the plan is to the position applied for

Curriculum Vitae CV

A CV in English, that contains a full list of publications and contact information of at least five full professors who can act as referees

Representative Work

Representative work (no more than 5 pieces that includes journal papers, monographs and patents)

Academic Certificates

Academic Certificates of the highest qualification held.


Contact us



Tel: +86-21-6564-8171

For more information, please visit our website:

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