学联春晚征集英才 CNY Gala Recruitment

剑桥中国学生学者联谊会将在1月末举行2012年剑桥春节晚会(Chinese New Year Gala)。这是剑桥中国学联的主要活动之一,也是剑桥本地华人一年一度的盛会,每年会吸引近2000名来自英国各地的观众,包括一些在剑桥乃至英国极具影响力的嘉宾。
总导演 (1人)
节目编导(5人): 每位节目编导负责一到两个节目,主要职责是编写剧本和组织排练。
多媒体(3人): 负责前期视频、音频制作和晚会当天摄像、摄影和视频播放。
宣传(3人): 负责活动的海报及其他相应宣传工作。
后台(8人): 主要负责灯光,后勤,舞美和后台管理。
我们将在圣诞节前进行两次演职人员招聘,如果你仍在剑桥,请与我们联系。 我们的第一次演职人员招聘活动于12月11日(本周日)在Wolfson College,Seminar Room举行。希望有兴趣的朋友们能够踊跃参加。如果本周日你无法参加,第二次招聘将于下周末举行,具体地点请关注后续通知。
日期: 周日, 12月11日
时间: 2pm to 7pm
地点: Seminar Room, Wolfson College, Cambridge
联系人: 朱艺, 07762771392, zy237@cam.ac.uk
The 2012 CNY Gala will take place at the end of January. As you may know, the annual Chinese new year (CNY) gala is one of the most important events organized by CSSA. We are looking forward to another year of success. However, this can never be achieved without your help and participation. The 2012 Chinese New Year Gala Performance is NOW recruiting performers! Whether you are good at singing, dancing, drama, martial arts, or musical instruments, it is the best opportunity for you to share with us your talent. Any forms or levels of performances are welcomed. Don’t hesitate to give it a try! If you are interested in performing, please send an email to cssacam@cssacam.org with your personal information (name, college, grade) and your speciality in performing.
We are also inviting you to join the CNY Gala committee, get involved in planning the show and make your ideas come true! It is a great opportunity for you to practice your leadership skills and more importantly to meet a lot of new friends. The vacancies in CNY Gala Committee are as below. If you are interested in organizing the CNY Gala, please send an email to cssacam@cssacam.org with your personal information (name, college, grade) and the positions you are interested in.
Chief Director(1)
Vice Director(2)
Assistant to Chief Director (2)
Editors (5): Each editor is in charge of one or two programmes. The major task of an editor is to write the scripts for the programme and organize the rehearsal.
Multi-media (3): Photography, Video and Audio.
Publicity (3): Design leaflets and posters, promote the CNY Gala through social network sites and other media.
Back Stage (8): Lighting, Logistics, Stage Decoration and Stage Management.
We will have two auditions before the Christmas; if you are still in Cambridge, please feel free to have a chat with us. Our first Audition for the 2012 CNY Gala will be held on 11th Dec, this coming Sunday, at Wolfson College. We are very much looking forward to seeing lots of you! Our next audition will be held next weekend; venue still to be confirmed.
Event: CNY Gala 1st Audition
Date: Sunday, 11th Dec
Time: 2pm to 7pm
Venue: Seminar Room, Wolfson College, Cambridge
Contact: Yi Zhu, 07762771392, zy237@cam.ac.uk
With Best Wishes,
Lubin Chen